Wellbeing Tips to Implement in 2023

Whether you choose to make New Year resolutions or not, every January feels like a new beginning, ripe with possibility and opportunity. Once the grogginess of New Year’s Eve has faded and the Christmas spirit has waned, how do you seize the momentum of the coming year and take positive steps towards the life you want to lead?

Here are some simple steps that you can implement in the year ahead!


Fruit & Vegetables ~ Add more fruits and vegetables to every meal! Consuming a variety of both has been proven to promote longevity, prevent illnesses, and one improve overall wellness. You should also keep healthy snacks near you at all times. Avoid sweet & salty cravings, and keep fruit, seeds and nuts at hand. Your energy levels will thank you for it later!

Get Cooking ~ Try to cook one new healthy dish each week. Not only will this improve your culinary skills, but it will help you to keep your healthy lifestyle on track. We have a ton of inspirational recipes on our website, by our Director of Food, Joey O’Hare. Follow this LINK to discover more! 

Drink more Water ~ When the body is dehydrated, it doesn’t run efficiently. Drinking water has plenty of benefits including increasing energy, flushing out toxins, improving skin complexion & boosting your overall immunity. You could even add flavour to your water by infusing it, or enjoying a herbal tea.

Add Spices & Beans ~ Experiment with spices! There are many health benefits in using spices such as cinnamon, turmeric and garlic, such as lowering inflammation. You should also add beans to dishes wherever you can; they are high in fibre, and provide protein too.


Get Active ~ Be active daily. Aim for 30 minutes of activity every day. Not only will you feel better physically, but your mental health will thank you, too.Head to our Pillar Journal to find a range of fitness routine ideas by our Co-Founder & Chief Wellness Officer, Harry Jameson. 

Move with Friends ~ Find a workout buddy! By working out with a friend, you can set goals together to make fitness fun.

Be Accountable ~ Aim to create new monthly, measurable goals. For example, January could be the month where you create homemade smoothies for 5 days a week, and February could see you cutting out packaged snacks for a month. Again, these steps will improve your overall wellbeing, and will lead to you living a much healthier lifestyle. 


Meditate ~ Meditate for 10 minutes every morning. Not only will this put you in the right mindset for the day ahead, but it will also help to reduce stress, calm anxiety, enhance your self awareness, and also improve your sleep. There are so many forms of mediation, so find the one that works for you.

Recharge ~ Make time to recharge. Find an inspirational space to recharge, and find your calm. Whether you take a few moments to pray, meditate or journal, give yourself a few minutes to just be.

Sleep ~ Ensure you get a good nights sleep! Yes - some nights sleep are better than others, but listen to your body when you are not feeling yourself. Sleep helps to better your calorie regulation, lowers your risk of heart disease, prevents depression, lowers inflammation and helps your body to build a stronger immune system.

Believe in Yourself ~ Create your own power phrase, or a mantra. Our mind is a powerful tool and sometimes we get stuck thinking about negative thoughts that bring us down. In an effort to be our own cheerleader, find some mantras to use (and say to yourself) when you’re feeling down. “Be a warrior, not a worrier,” “Be in love with your life,” and “Don’t ruin a good day today by thinking about a bad day yesterday”.

Follow us on Instagram to discover more wellbeing advice - here’s to a healthy year ahead!


Wild Garlic & Roast Chicken Lasagne


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